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Media Project

To properly innovate, there are a plethora of moving parts to make the innovation stick. The most important part of incorporating change is getting stakeholders to buy into the "why" this is necessary.


The project displays my belief in the importance of my innovation plan to engage students in a blended learning environment on a K-5 campus. Blended learning will provide educators and scholars a new way of teaching and learning. It does not simply consist of a student clicking away at a computer. Instead, blended learning utilizes meticulous planning that will engage students in a COVA learning approach and allow them to take over the reigns of their learning. 


This media project provides insight into my publication post which is in the process of publicly being shared on This commercial also sets out to make educators comfortable working with technology so their class time is never wasted. Hopefully, this post will encourage teachers to stay consistent with this change because it will positively impact student engagement and classroom management. 

*All videos in presentation are stock videos from the site


References to information shared:


Ayob, N. S., Halim, N. D. A., Zulkifli, N. N., Zaid, N. M., & Mokhtar, M. (2020). Overview of blended learning: The effect of station rotation model

        on students’ achievement. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(6), 320-326


Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). COVA. 


Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2011). The rise of K-12 blended learning. Innosight institute, 5(1), 1 17.


Horn, M. B., Staker, H., & Christensen, C. M. (2015). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. Jossey-Bass.


Pardede, P. (2013, October). Enhancing students’ learning through blended learning. In Seminar Dies Natalis UKI ke-60” held on

         October (Vol. 12, p. 2013).


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