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5315 Compilation

The 5315 course focused on assessing the impact of digital learning within our innovation plan.

The first step was to identify the research questions that would drive my instructional delivery. Then, in order to understand the impact my innovation plan will have to derive from my research questions, I had to identify how I would measure the data I collect. Besides collecting and measuring this data, it was important to find literature that supports the efforts I intend to make, which resulted in conducting more research with a literature review. This course was essential to the progression of my innovation plan because I was able to identify the information that will be presented to stakeholders once my pilot is completed. This research action and literature will support the claims I have made in the presentation of my implementation of blended learning. My hope is that with the information and research compiled, more educators will be inclined to engage in this method of education in their classroom. 

Classroom Lecture

The Action Research Design Outline was beneficial to creating my plan because I analyzed the direction I wanted to take my research and how I would measure my results. This process set a positive tone for completing the assignments that followed because I was thorough in my planning. 

The curation of a literature review is a vital part of any initiative. While we can pull on people's heart strings and argue our opinions all day, true change must be supported with facts and research to ensure its reliability. This review gave me the opportunity to explore more ideas outside the realm of my knowledge and gain insight to the possible successes, challenges, and logistics of my innovation plan to incorporate blended learning into the classroom.

Library Book Searching

This action research plan provides insight to how my blended learning pilot will be assessed. This document includes why I chose this design, which research questions I will be focused on, how I will support my claims, and a short overview of the literature that supports my plan. Once this pilot is complete, I will be sharing this information with colleagues on my campus, in order to have them buy in to my innovation plan. Eventually, I would love for blended learning to be incorporated across my district, and this plan is the first step in working toward accomplishing this goal.

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