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Instructional Design

I have created a blended learning environment for my third-grade students. This first phase of implementing my innovative change  is to introduce blended learning in their English Language Arts content. I have incorporated the first six weeks of our district’s guidebook lessons from Cajun Folktales. Eventually, we will incorporate blended learning across our entire school day, but beginning with one subject will make for an easier transition into this learning environment. This program will require students to participate in off-campus readings, discussions, and activities to complete throughout our pilot. Their online course will include an outline, a student lounge, a help desk, and constant access to resources required to complete assignments. These assignments will consist of both content and outcome-based assignments to ensure that students are engaged in real-world problem-solving and are able to perform on standardized testing.


Cajun Folktales Unit 1
Blended Learning Classroom


Finks 3 Column Table

The Fink's 3 Column Table explains our learning goals, activities, and assessments that will be covered for the duration of our first unit and first six weeks of school. Our end goal is for students to develop an understanding of Louisiana history and culture, and to cultivate their own folktale story inspired from our anchor and other texts of the unit, and incorporating information they have absorbed about Louisiana. 

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Course Outline and Schedule

The course outline and schedule will be accessible to students, parents, and administrators throughout the course. This gives students an opportunity to know what content, activities, and assessments will be coming up. This gives students who may be ready to continue on to new content, an opportunity to work at their own pace. In addition, they may access supplemental work that allows them to go beyond the content and connect it to real world situations. They can also complete extension tasks while other students have their misconceptions and mistakes remedied. If there are any changes made throughout the course, messages and updates will be sent through the LMS to notify each student. 



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