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This page is to present the collection of work I completed in my 5305 Disruption to Innovation course. My focus during the program will be implementing blended learning in my classroom, and eventually my school and district.  These documents will be edited and adjusted throughout my time in the ADL program at Lamar University. 

This first set of classes has been rough, but I am proud of myself for pushing through. I have learned a lot about how I function in graduate school. I made many mistakes and I will be using this time to reflect on how I can improve for the next set of classes. On the other hand, I also learned so much from Dr. H. He was patient, kind, and always gave constructive feedforward for each assignment.

My goal for the ADL program is to collect enough evidence,  resources and knowledge on how to effectively  engage my students in a blended learning environment that will give them the power of  owning their learning experience.

Innovation Plan

 Innovation can be defined as featuring new methods and becoming more advanced and original. As an educator, I have a front row seat to observe the need for change and innovation in the classroom. As the times change and become more complex and intricate, we must do the same with education. With all the new technology and thousands of new types of jobs, we must prepare them for what is presently happening, so we can not teach in the same manner that we did fifty or sixty years ago. I would like to address the challenges that generate academic gaps for our students by creating a blended learning experience in my classroom. Blended learning will allow us to efficiently utilize our time wisely, and ensure redirection is provided only when needed. This will allow students to move at the pace that is necessary for their success. 

Innovation Outline

I have constructed a tentative timeline that my innovation plan will follow. This timeline is fluid and will be adjusted when needed. Spearheading innovative change will require me to be flexible and adapt a growth mindset to keep a positive attitude and focus on my "why." This outline will be useful resource for stakeholders to stay up to date on our progress.


Literature Review

This literature review explores research on blended learning. I am in the process of editing this document after receiving constructive feedforward from my professor.

Contribution to My Learning and Community
Collaborating with others has always proven difficult for me because since a young girl I have struggled making friends and collaborating with classmates. These courses have pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best way possible.
Below I have attached my reflection on my ability to collaborate with my peers.

Annotated Bibliography 

These sources will be used as a starting point to complete further research on blended learning throughout the course of my ADL program.

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