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Connecting the Dots!


Throughout my educational career, I have always been an independent learner. I was always shy and self conscious about not being as smart as everyone else around me, so I figured it would be best to not initiate conversation and collaboration with my peers. I dreaded group work and usually took a backseat and let others take the lead, even when I felt I had something meaningful to add. When I began in Ed Tech Leadership, I was still only depending on my capabilities, but I quickly had to adjust when I switched into the ADL program. Ever since I have started this program, I have developed a growth mindset and transitioned into a more dependent learner. Collaborating with my peers has provided me with different points of views, support, and necessary feedforward on assignments. I have always pushed my students toward collaborative learning, but it was solely based on the fact that is what the district pushed us toward. Now that I’ve immersed myself in this method, I can instill this in my students with intention and experience.

Our BHAG is critical to the purpose of our course because I believe we should begin with the end in mind. Configuring the course work will be a smoother process once we know what we are working toward. To ensure my course goal is aligned to the outcomes, activities, and assessments, I will be utilizing my Louisiana Common Core standards. Our district provides the activities and assessments that we must use in our classroom. Although, I take ownership on how it is presented to my students. Most of our district’s assignments and assessments are paper and pencil, so I will be building my activities off of the outcomes the district and state expects the students to master. It will have the same end game, but the actual work being completed will be more engaging and meaningful to the students. The content will be connected to their real life experiences and they will utilize COVA to present the information they have internalized.

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