The ADL program has brought me an incredible amount of knowledge about education, myself, and my methods of teaching. The most important lesson I have learned over the twelve months is to create a community to foster collaboration and actively work in a growth mindset. These ten courses have created an eye-opening experience for me and provided an opportunity to explore technology in a more meaningful way. As I reflect, I realize I was not utilizing technology in the most impactful manner. Creating this innovation plan has provided me with the blueprint to bring change to my classroom, school, and district.
Course 5389 was the last piece to the structural puzzle of my innovation plan to ensure the implementation I strive to achieve. Throughout the ADL program, we have created a plan, conducted research, developed a design, and analyzed our “why” for change. Although we created these incredibly intricate projects, we had to create a professional learning design that would allow educators to properly digest things that we have spent a year developing and researching. We also had to create it in a manner they could understand and be ready to implement in their classrooms for the next school year. This course became one of the most important pieces for me because my goal is to provide professional development to educators so they can provide intentional and meaningful education to their students while utilizing technology in a way that enhances the curriculum.
Course 5320 had us take every course we have completed and combine it into a synthesis piece. I enjoyed this because I was able to reflect on how far I have come in this program. I am also able to analyze my growth from the first course to the last. I even took time to go back to previous pages and work to improve them after receiving feedforward from professors and peers.
In conclusion, my self-reflection grade for 5389 is 80/100 and my score for course 5320 is 85/100.
For course 5389 I was in a Facebook group for this course where we were able to present questions and feedforward to one another, but I did not secure a core group because I was much further behind everyone once the courses began. I did have a core group for 5320 that consisted of myself, Maria Lopez, Kesha Smith, and Valerie Regalado. Although I did complete the intended course readings and videos, I did not complete many of the discussion posts, and the ones I did complete were not submitted in a timely manner. I did give myself grace because I still collaborated with my peers throughout this difficult time. I am proud that I was able to complete the courses. I am disappointed because I know I did not give my best work, but I gave 100 percent of what I could at the time. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve in this program. I have learned so much about myself, technology, and education, and will cherish this experience forever.