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Innovation Project Update


Identify where are you in your innovation project. What if anything do you have to complete?

I am currently in phase three of my innovation project. My students and I are working to scaffold blended learning into our classroom utilizing our RLA curriculum. I teach three sections of third grade and within those sections, students are grouped by ability level. These groups are beneficial for our rotating stations and Google Classroom. During this phase, we have been working on implementing the rotation and flex models. Students have been working independently to complete classroom assignments, activities, and projects, and while in rotation I analyze where students either need misconceptions corrected or if they are ready to move at a more rigorous, accelerated speed. My next step is to phase in the social studies curriculum. Since I only teach reading and social studies, I intend to spend the first-semester making adjustments as needed to the reading curriculum with this method, then phase in social studies. Once we enter the second semester, students will have worked on finding their authentic voice and will be more independent in our classroom. So, they can engage in a blended learning environment entirely and have the confidence to operate as such for their entire block.

• Identify and reflect on all the components and work you have done so far on your innovation project.

As I previously stated in my COVA reflection, I was initially curating my project for the sake of the program. Once I understood the importance of the idea I was focused on, everything I created was derived from the state curriculum I was utilizing. Although, I relocated to a new state and changed curriculums at the end of summer, so the planning I completed was irrelevant to my new school year. Due to the last-minute change in curriculum, I did not have the opportunity to create a detailed plan as I did with the previous curriculum. The outline I created at the beginning of program has been adjusted according to the needs of my students. The research I have conducted has given me the information I needed to identify which aspects of blended learning would be beneficial to my classroom. The resources we utilized for planning, like Fink's 3 Column table and UbD template helped me organize my planning and incoroporate my state's curriculum.

Analyze, assess and reflect on the learning process you have undergone by working on your innovation project?

The ADL program has been an incredible journey for me, the knowledge I have gained has given me new tools, resources, and literature to support the creation of my innovation project. This innovation project has taught me that our students are more capable than we give them credit for and can be responsible for their learning. They are able to find their voice and take responsibility of their learning, no matter the age. Also, identifying my learning philosophy throughout research helped me collect information of the different methods of learning that my students may benefit from. Lastly, developing a growth mindset has pushed me to analyze what I do and why. I was able to push myself to complete actitivities and assignments that I did not think I was capable, which gave me the confidence to bring my innovation project to life.

What worked?

Station rotations have been essential in our classroom and have proven to be successful. Each station has been tailored to each group by ability and their time with me during small group has been utilized to clear misconceptions and challenge students who are above grade level. These stations have included independent lectures, individualized activities, and collaborative projects.

What could you do better?

One thing I could do better is to incorporate more real-world problems for students to analyze. My focus since the beginning of the school year has been to ensure I am teaching the curriculum with fidelity, but now I must link it to solving real world problems and teaching skills they can apply to any situation.

What lessons have you learned?

  1. Possessing a growth mindset will increase opportunities for success.

  2. Blended learning provides students the freedom to learn at their rate and provides individualized instruction.

  3. Incorporating any major change or initiative should be done in small phases, you do not want to overwhelm students with too much too soon.

  4. Planning is essential, but you must be ready to make any necessary changes at any moment.

How do you plan to promote and communicate your innovation project?

Throughout my innovation project, I have been collecting student sample work through Google Classroom and in-class activities. In addition, I plan to administer student self-reflections on their experience with our blended learning environment. From the educator standpoint, I plan on presenting my learning manifesto, literature review, instructional design, and reflection on my design and implementation process. While introducing this innovation project, I plan on conducting incremental professional learning opportunities that will allow me to present all this information without overwhelming educators with everything at once. I will also provide a link to this site so educators can engage with the material and identify key points they find beneficial to their students and classroom.

• Knowing what you know now what key things (if any) would you do differently?

If I could do anything differently, I would reach out to my administration for assistance in my planning process earlier. While creating my Fink's 3 Column table and BHAG I reached out to an administrator to help me analyze which aspects of our curriculum belonged where in my table. After I was able to create the table I realized it would have been beneficial to identify realistic timeframes, outlines, and other aspects with my administration. Collaborating with the administration would have made for an easier transition into the blended learning method.

• How would you apply what you have learned to your next innovation project?

The most important thing I would apply to my next innovation project is to be flexible with a growth mindset. Since I had to make drastic changes to my plan due to teaching a new curriculum, I learned I should always be ready to make adjustments no matter how big or small.

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