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Innovator or Imitator?


When I read the question, are you really an innovative teacher, I immediately thought YES. Although, once I read the article attached, I reflected that I may not be as innovative as I thought. I have the potential to become a truly innovative teacher, but I must take things a step further. The biggest difference I identified between the two columns is that innovative teachers take what the students learn and have them apply it to real life; their learning and experiences cannot stay between the four walls of the classroom. Since I moved to our STEM academy, my students have had the opportunity to use critical thinking and create new things, but they have never presented it to the world. This article has exposed me to a new way of thinking. I will now incorporate showcasing the learning my students are engaged in with others. I must also identify which methods of communication would be most effective for my students to clearly convey their ideas to the public. I think this will make my students feel empowered to know they’ve learned something and can now teach others.

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