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Instructional Design- Module 1

  • What are your subject, level of instruction, and intended audience?

This course’s audience has been designed for a 3rd-grade classroom’s ELA section blended learning purposes, and my administration for data and possible school integration purposes.

  • What are the key institutional documents (i.e. syllabus, outline, accreditation standards, etc.) that will influence your design process?

My key institutional documents that have influenced my design process are my 3 column finks table, Louisiana Common Core Standards, and my course outline and schedule that I cultivated.

  • Are you using competency-based education (CBE) or outcome-based education (OBE)? Why?

My goal is to incorporate both competency-based and outcome-based learning opportunities in my classroom. While I know our students must master the content we teach, especially for our state testing, they also must learn skills that will teach them to be lifelong learners in the real world. They will need to analyze and evaluate real-life problems and be able to cultivate the proper solution. On the other hand, there are basic logically skills and information they must possess, so it must come directly from the instructor and be content centered.

  • What design approach have chosen? Why?

I have chosen to use Canvas as my LMS because that is the system my current school district utilizes.

  • How will you balance assessment Or/For/As learning?

This course will involve a variety of assessments. While we must collect grades for our grade book, I want students to dig much deeper than just memorizing content temporarily. Our assessments of learning will involve cold-read tests, written essays, and different mediums of work that will be graded with a rubric that students will have to refer to. Our assessments for learning will be analyzed daily. Students will have “Let’s Express Understandings” or required tasks at the end of each lesson that will allow me to gauge how they are digesting the content. Although each student’s understanding will look different, the most important goal here is for students to understand the methods of learning and be able to apply them to any source of content. Students will also receive assessments as learning as they collaborate through group projects and discussion boards. Students will complete self-reflections weekly, and when they complete group assignments. They will also have an opportunity to assess their partner’s work and ability to collaborate. It is important that students develop a growth mindset that allows room for self-reflection and accepting constructive criticism, and this provides that opportunity.

  • Are you moving your learners into deeper learning? If not, why not?

Students will be required to submerge themselves into deeper learning because they now hold responsibility for their learning. Students will explore learning methods that do and do not work for them, and they also discover a learning pace that works the best for them. In addition, they are having to invoke problem-solving skills to remedy real-world problems.

  • Who controls the learning?

My blended learning environment will incorporate COVA throughout each module. Students have the autonomy to choose which medium their assignments are produced and turned in as. This creates space for them to produce authentic work that they are motivated to complete. They also will have moments to become the teachers and experts of their own content and choose how to present to their peers and community stakeholders.

  • What are your subject, level of instruction, and intended audience?

This course’s audience has been designed for a 3rd-grade classroom’s ELA section blended learning purposes, and my administration for data and possible school integration purposes.

  • What are the key institutional documents (i.e. syllabus, outline, accreditation standards, etc.) that will influence your design process?

My key institutional documents that have influenced my design process are my 3 column finks table, Louisiana Common Core Standards, and my course outline and schedule that I cultivated.

  • Are you using competency-based education (CBE) or outcome-based education (OBE)? Why?

My goal is to incorporate both competency-based and outcome-based learning opportunities in my classroom. While I know our students must master the content we teach, especially for our state testing, they also must learn skills that will teach them to be lifelong learners in the real world. They will need to analyze and evaluate real-life problems and be able to cultivate the proper solution. On the other hand, there are basic logical skills and information they must possess, so it must come directly from the instructor and be content centered.

  • What design approach have chosen? Why?

I have chosen to use Canvas as my LMS because that is the system my current school district utilizes.

  • How will you balance assessment Or/For/As learning?

This course will involve a variety of assessments. While we must collect grades for our grade book, I want students to dig much deeper than just memorizing content temporarily. Our assessments of learning will involve cold-read tests, written essays, and different mediums of work that will be graded with a rubric that students will have to refer to. Our assessments for learning will be analyzed daily. Students will have “Let’s Express Understandings” or required tasks at the end of each lesson that will allow me to gauge how they are digesting the content. Although each student’s understanding will look different, the most important goal here is for students to understand the methods of learning and be able to apply them to any source of content. Students will also receive assessments as learning as they collaborate through group projects and discussion boards. Students will complete self-reflections weekly, and when they complete group assignments. They will also have an opportunity to assess their partner’s work and ability to collaborate. It is important that students develop a growth mindset that allows room for self-reflection and accepting constructive criticism, and this provides that opportunity.

  • Are you moving your learners into deeper learning? If not, why not?

Students will be required to submerge themselves into deeper learning because they now hold responsibility for their learning. Students will explore learning methods that do and do not work for them, and they also discover a learning pace that works the best for them. In addition, they are having to invoke problem-solving skills to remedy real-world problems.

  • Who controls the learning?

My blended learning environment will incorporate COVA throughout each module. Students have the autonomy to choose which medium their assignments are produced and turned in as. This creates space for them to produce authentic work that they are motivated to complete. They also will have moments to become the teachers and experts of their own content and choose how to present it to their peers and community stakeholders.

3 Column Finks Table

Schedule and outline for course

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